The Responsible Gambling Portal

Responsible Gambling: How to Keep Your Gambling in Check

Gambling is but a minor pastime undertaken occasionally for most people; a form of entertainment and nothing more. Most people are very careful about how much money and time they spend at the casino or gambling online. For some people, however, chasing that feeling of a big win or the thrill of risk taking can become an addiction. Whole families have been torn apart and lives have been ruined because of this addiction to chasing excitement and escaping reality. The truth remains: no one who has become addicted to gambling predicted that they would become addicted, and anyone can become addicted. It is important, therefore, to be aware from the beginning of the risk and to set limits on the time and money that you spend gambling.

There are a number of responsible gambling precautions that should be undertaken to ensure that you don't get carried away at the online or land-based casino:

  1. The decision to gamble should be a conscious decision, and not a decision based upon an urge or craving.
  2. It is important to stick to a budget that you set at the beginning. Your budget should be created for what you can afford to lose from your entertainment budget only.
  3. You should never partake in gambling if:
    • You are not of the legal gambling age (underage gamblers are far more likely to become addicted, in addition to the fact that it is illegal).
    • It gets in the way of work, school, child care, or other responsibilities.
    • You are recovering from other additions or dependencies.
    • You are currently under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
    • You are feeling stressed, depressed or emotionally troubled in some way.
  4. Never borrow money to use for gambling, including borrowing money for things that you couldn't pay due to using your money for gambling.
  5. Set minimal gambling time limits and stick to them – do not extend that time.
  6. Take breaks on a regular basis so you don't become too focused on gambling
  7. Gamble with someone who has no problem calling it quits.
  8. Diversify your leisure activities by doing other things and playing other games that don't involve gambling.
  9. Do not gamble to make money or escape problems.
  10. Never chase your losses, it will only lead to more losses.

Responsible gambling doesn't end with you alone. Underage gambling is a problem that you should be aware of if you have children. Studies indicate that underage gamblers are a lot more likely to become addicted to gambling than adults. As such, it is extremely important to insure that your children do not have access to gambling software or websites, and that they do not have access to your credit card (children can gain access to gambling websites easily with a credit card). Responsible gambling, in short, extends to everyone around you.

If you suspect that either you or anyone you know could have a gambling problem, you should seek out help immediately. There are a number of signs to check for to determine if someone has a gambling problem, which you can view in our Problem Gambling Signs section. You can also take a look at our Underage Gambling section to find out how you can stop your children from gambling online using certain software and other means.

Although gambling can be a fun pastime, spending large amounts of time and money gambling can lead to big problems. Follow the above responsible gambling tips whenever you gamble and your chances of becoming addicted to gambling will be dramatically reduced.

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